Membership Advantages

  • To enrol as the member to connect with potential business partner, investors, strategic partners, buyers, suppliers, importers, service providers and business associates to expand your business and contacts.
  • To brand & market various products & services, business enquiries & requirements amongst members through networking meetings, events and other activities.
  • To connect with potential investors, private equity & venture capital funds, Banks, financial institutions, investment bankers and legal and advisory firms.
  • To receive alerts for business enquiries & opportunity, newsletters, events, networking meetings and information on policy change, new schemes & incentives.
  • To avail various support services and business advisory services
  • To take up issues of the existing business or groups to the appropriate government authorities.
  • To share proposal, suggestions, recommendations and memorandum related to policy and various schemes of the government and stake holders.
  • To share articles of various contribution and exemplary achievement as well as innovation and invention, knowledge and experience through newsletter and SMEConnect magazine
  • To avail opportunity as the speaker, panelist or faculty at various events.
  • To be the member of group of Start-Ups as per the turnover and business activities
  • To avail 25% discount for advertisements on newsletter and SMEConnect magazine
  • To attend interactive meetings with policy makers, thought leaders, inventors, investors, senior executives of corporate and government officials


Sr No.

Membership Categories

Who Can Apply for Membership?


Start-Ups companies
(Micro sized)

(Turnover upto Rs. 5 cr)

  • Start-Ups Companies, SMEs, Young & Women Entrepreneurs, Professional, Business advisory service providers, Service Sector and enterprises involved in various business & manufacturing Industrial activities and registered as the Start-Ups.

  • SMEs and Mid-corporate Companies involved in Manufacturing, Engineering, Finance, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Automotive, ICT, Healthcare, Industrial Services, Marketing, Logistics, FMCG, Textiles, Food Processing, security, Packaging, ,Construction, Export, Retail, Import, Distribution, Media, Franchise, Hospitality, Digital marketing, HRD, Utilities services, Advertisement, Automobile, Insurance, research, E-commerce, Government Services, Consumer Goods and allied businesses services & Manufacturing industries.

  • Corporates, Education, PSUs, Banking, Finance, Investment board, Industrial parks, SEZ, and MNCs & overseas companies operational in India.


Start-Ups companies
(Small sized)

(Turnover from Rs. 6 cr to Rs. 50 cr)


Start-Ups companies
(Medium sized -A)

(Turnover from Rs. 51 cr to 100cr)


Start-Ups companies
(Medium sized - B)

(Turnover from Rs. 101 cr to Rs 250 cr)


Start-Ups companies

(Turnover from Rs. 251 cr to Rs 500 cr)


Corporate Start-Ups companies
(Turnover from Rs. 501 cr and above)

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